New Simplified Syntax for Multi-Activity Emails

We have recently added new placeholders and logic to help simplify the syntax for multi-activity email templates. The new placeholders and logic make multi-activity emails easier to create and update, with less knowledge of coding, and enables you to create the email templates that list information for each activity shown on a multi-activity invoice. This is great for email confirmations, order confirmations, and invoice payment reminder emails where you want to include details about each activity on a multi-activity invoice.

The new placeholders and logic only apply to the invoice email templates, order confirmation email templates, before balance due email triggers, and after balance due email triggers.

To get started, use the “+ Add Logic” button as shown here:

Under the “+ Add Logic” menu, you will find options much like the normal placeholders. Rather than just inserting a single piece of information, these options will add some logic to your template, either conditionally showing text or helping show information about multiple activities (in this case).

Under the “Invoice” category, select “Multiple Activities”. This will add the basic logic you need to your email template, allowing Arctic to loop over all activities on the invoice and print any text and placeholders inside the loop once for each activity associated with the invoice.

Here is what the initial content will look like when added to your email template:

This will print for each activity. Use activity placeholders 
to add relevant information (date, time, name, etc).

You will replace the “This will print for each activity…” line with the placeholders you want Arctic to print for each activity shown on an invoice.

For example, if you want to print the trip name, start date, start time, and the number of guests for each reservation on an invoice, you will add the placeholders for each of these items inside the {for_activities}{/for_activities} placeholders, Arctic added for you (shown above).

When completed your email template will look something like this:

**Trip Name:** {$trip->name}
**Start Date:** {$trip->start|format:'Date'}
**Start Time:** {$trip->start|format:'Time'}
**Guest Count:** {$reservation->guestcount}

If you need rental activity information populated, you will insert rental placeholders instead of reservation placeholders.

For more information on using the placeholders and logic, check out the support documentation. And remember if you have any questions or run into any hiccups using the new add logic tool, we are always happy to help.